Archive: August 31, 2022

तपाईंको ब्रेकफास्ट समस्याहरू स्थिर

ब्रेकफास्टको दिनको मेरो मनपर्ने खाना खारेज गर्नुहोस्। म हप्तामा कम्तिमा एक पटक खाजाको लागि ‘बिहानको खाजा खाजा’ पनि खाना खान्छु। तर अरू कुनै व्यक्ति जस्तो अन्य जस्तो कि म उही-ओल ओल ‘ओल ओल’ ओल Oll ‘खाद्यहरूमा अडिग रहन सक्दछौं जुन एक बोरिंग वा खराब वाचाइमा झर्छ जुन प्रायः स्वस्थ विकल्पहरू भन्दा कम छनौट गर्दछ।

अनियमित रूपमा, सेप्टेम्बर “राम्रो ब्रेकफास्ट बिहानको बिहानको” महिना हो (मसँग के थाहा छैन कि कुन महिना हो, म मिशेल ओबामालाई मान्दिन)। जे भए पनि। मँ यहाँ छु तपाईको ब्रेकफास्टलाई राम्रो बनाउनको लागि मँ तपाईको बिहानको बिहानको खाजा भएको छु भने तपाईको सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण खानाको साथ समस्या भइरहेको छ भने …
मेरो सबैभन्दा हालको भिडियोहरू

म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण दिन 2
म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण जर्नब्यू 2 2. रनट्रेसपेट.com

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 मिनेटको 1 मिनेट, 45 45 सेकेन्ड

उच्च प्राप्तकर्ता – राम्रो सुन्नुहोस् पुस्तक समीक्षा


तपाईंको सबै नास्ता समस्याहरूको लागि विकल्प

समस्या: बिहानको खाजाको लागि कुनै समय छैन।

समाधान: PB र केराको साथ शीर्ष दुई चावल केकहरू कुनै पकाउको लागि, अविश्वसनीय द्रुत विकल्पको लागि! म यसलाई खाजाइमा यो खाएको छु जब म लामो राम्रा छु।

समस्या: म प्यानकेक्स र बिहानको खाजाको लागि प्यानकेक्स र वाफलहरू जस्तै मीठो सामान मन पराउँछु।

समाधान: बदाम बटनको लागि सिरप। यस तरीकाले तपाईसँग आफ्नो (प्यान) केक हुन सक्छ र यसलाई पनि खाऊ!

समस्या: तपाई फेरि एक घण्टा पछि भोकाउनु भयो।

समाधान: बदाम बटर जस्तो एक स्वस्थ बोसो थप्नुहोस् एक स्वस्थ बोसो थप्नुहोस् तपाईं पूर्ण लामो राख्न सक्नुहुन्छ। तपाईंको दलिया वा खाद्यान्नलाई PB को स्कूप थप्नुहोस्।

समस्या: म बिहानै भोकाएको छैन।

समाधान: एक चिकनी बनाउनुहोस् र यसलाई स्कूल वा काममा लैजानुहोस् र यसलाई बिहान भत्काउनुहोस्।

मेरो PB प्रोटीन स्नीरीलाई एक स्वादिष्ट स्वस्थ नाश्ता वा खाजाको लागि प्रयास गर्नुहोस्!

अन्य pb रेसिपीहरू:

Pb र j प्रोटीन टोके

Anternient इन्ट्रेयन्टिन्ट Pankaks

प्रश्न: आज तपाईंले बिहानको खाजामा के गर्नुभयो?

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


नेशनल पॉजिक पिज्जा दिन दिवावे @runaterpeatatt इन्स्टाग्राम

छोड्नुहोस् !! $ 50 उपहार कार्ड जीत!
आज राष्ट्रिय चीज पिज्जा दिन हो!

र म एक पिज्जा पार्टी गर्न चाहान्छु … तर त्यो समन्वय गर्न गाह्रो छ। त्यसो भए म 1 व्यक्तिलाई $ 50 उपहार कार्डको रूपमा एकल पार्टी दिँदै छु! (ठीक छ उनीहरूसँग एकल पार्टी हुनु हुँदैन … तर तपाईंलाई मेरो मतलब के हो भनेर थाहा छ।)
मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू

म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण दिन 4
म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण जर्नबौ ‘चेक इन गर्नुहोस्

अधिक भिडियोहरू

1 मिनेट 1 मिनेट, 21 सेकेन्ड

उच्च प्राप्तकर्ता – राम्रो सुन्नुहोस् पुस्तक समीक्षा


1. @runeaterpeat र सम्बन्धित पोष्ट जस्तै अनुसरण गर्नुहोस्।
2. तपाईंको मनपर्ने पिज्जा अर्डरसँग टिप्पणी गर्नुहोस्।
() (वैकल्पिक) अतिरिक्त प्रविष्टिहरूको लागि एक पाल ट्यागको लागि (र यदि तिनीहरूले जीत भने उनीहरूले साझेदारी गर्नेछन्)। प्रति पालले छुट्टै टिप्पणीहरू प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् – जत्तिकै धेरै जसो।
। । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । ।

पुरस्कार एक $ 50 वरदान प्रमाणपत्र विद्युतीय रूपमा वितरित हुनेछ।

विजेता हुनसक्दछ: अमेजन उपहार कार्ड, डोनोनोको पिज्जा, पापाको, भद्राक्षको बगैचा वा क्यालिफोर्निया पिज्जा

। । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । । ।

.10.10.19 9 mak pst बन्द हुन्छ। मा पूर्ण विवरण।
विजेता डीएम मार्फत सम्पर्क गरिने छ र 7 दिन वा वैकल्पिक विजेता भित्र पुरस्कार दावी गर्नै पर्छ।

अमेरिकी निवासीहरू 1 18 र बाहिरका बासिन्दाहरू खोल्नुहोस्। प्रवेश गरेर, सबै सहभागीहरूले स्वीकार र सहमत छन् कि यो कुनै पनि हिसाबले प्रायोजित, अनुमोदित, प्रशासित वा इन्स्टाग्रामसँग सम्बन्धित छ, र सबै जिम्मेवारी को संस्थान जारी। तपाईं प्रविष्ट गरेर रिहा गर्नुहोस् रिलिज गर्नुहोस् र सबै जिम्मेवारीका साथीहरू खानुहोस्। दिग्गै द्वारा प्रायोजित वा इन्स्टाग्रामको साथ आबद्ध छैन। संख्यामा आधारित विजयी को संभावना। निषेध जहाँ निषेधित।

IG @runeatrepeat मा PE .5..5.19 मा पोष्टवे

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्

5 ल्य ग्र

साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!




ठूलो गाडीको


चिठी पत्र


Silk Cashewmilk

I’m incredibly ecstatic to share my thoughts on Silk Cashewmilk today! I got my hands on it a few weeks back as well as just recently a rep from Silk contacted me about a blog mention. So, my sips are below.

But very first I want to provide myself a lil clap for sticking with the 25 days of physical fitness as well as taking a drizzly walk yesterday. Wednesday’s difficulty was to take a 30 minute walk. I online in southern California as well as it seldom rains right here – like, I don’t keep in mind the last time it rained.
MY most current VIDEOS

Golden Retriever Won’t Take His Pills!

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 2 minutes, 19 seconds

Then She Was Gone – book Review


I gotten this umbrella since it was on Target clearance or something as well as I keep in mind my bestpeep laughed at me for it! That’s exactly how random it is! However, it was raining yesterday as well as I got out for my lil physical fitness walk.

25 Days of Fitness

25 Days of physical fitness – today the difficulty is =

Stretch out for 10 minutes after your workout. Today’s a rest day from running for me so I’m doing some stamina training as well as then I’ll s-t-r-e-t-c-h!

Silk Cashewmilk

I utilize almond milk on a everyday basis in my coffee, tea as well as cereal. however when I identified Silk Cashew Milk just recently I had to try it. I like eating cashews even a lot more than almonds (I’m kinda consumed with snacking on all nuts tho).

I grabbed a carton of Cashewmilk as well as liked it. It works in whatever I sip – iced coffee, hot tea, directly up for drinkin’.

The #1 concern I got when I very first published about cashew milk was, “How does it taste?!”

I feel like it tastes like almond milk – which I believe only kinda tastes like almonds. It’s creamy, somewhat wonderful as well as a small tiny bit nutt-y.

I utilize it generously in all my tea as well as coffee as well as like that it adds a cream aspect without adding a great deal of calories to my drink.

I heard a rumor that signing up for their newsletter scores you a voucher as well as you inspect out the Silk FB page for more.

Question: What do you put in your coffee?

At house I put stevia as well as A great deal of cashew or almond milk, out I utilize whatever sweetener as well as reg milk.

This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions as well as text are all mine.

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


Not Depressed

I think I have been living in a constant state of depression and didn’t even realize it! because I am way too delighted ideal now. I’m delighted to be outside and not wearing five layers, see my dogs, smile, thaw out… I could go on ?

My mommy faked me out with Greek yogurt in the fridge, I got ecstatic until I realized it had expired. Boo. So, I took a quick walk to the store for some essentials. The closest store doesn’t have greek yogurt so I had to do my best with that choice, but I do love those bagels!
MY most current VIDEOS

4 minute lower Body workout for Runners
Five lower Body exercises for Runners! try this quick strength workout at home for your legs, hips and glutes. No equipment needed.

Glute Bridge
Donkey Kicks – alternate sides
Clamshells – alternate sides

Get a lot more info on

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 4 minutes, 49 seconds

एथलेटा चलिरहेको छोटो समीक्षा .mp4 मा


Then, I made myself a big bowl of cottage cheese, cereals, fruit and PB. That new PB is not very good, by the way.

Now I am going to take the perros for a walk and then drive down to San Diego to pick up Ben. He is wrapping up his work conference today and will be hanging out the rest of the time with us. SD is about 2 hours south of here – let’s hope I don’t hit too much traffic on the way back!

I’ve also come up with a completely absurd plan for preparing for my next race! Yeah!

See you later…

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


keep opting for these:

birthday Cake Smoothie recipe with yogurt and sprinkles

birthday Cake Smoothie recipe with yogurt and sprinkles

real California Milk birthday Cake Smoothie Recipe. healthy and easy smoothie with protein from dairy instead of protein

Potato and Chorizo Tacos Recipe

Potato and Chorizo Tacos Recipe

easy potato and chorizo tacos for runners vegetarian recipe. Lighter version of my Mexican classic chorizo. Runner recip

California cream Cheese with Cranberries and Walnuts

California cream Cheese with Cranberries and Walnuts

Take your holiday brunch up a notch with this easy California cream Cheese with Cranberries and Walnuts. It mixes classi

One Last love Letter to My cat Vegas…

One Last love Letter to My cat Vegas…

saying goodbye to my cat named Vegas. pictures and blog articles starring my favorite orange cat, intern, roommate and frie

5 fast and healthy Smoothie Recipes with Yogurt (no protein powder needed)

5 fast and healthy Smoothie Recipes with Yogurt (no protein powder needed)

Week of smoothie recipes with yogurt. 5 healthy smoothie recipes protien packed with yogurt no protein powder meal prep

beaches and cream Smoothie bowl Recipe

beaches and cream Smoothie bowl Recipe

Light Smoothie in a bowl recipe protein packed with yogurt, peaches, milk and spinach. green smoothie bowl

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

Pile on the Miles Friday inspect In

Hey. I apologize for all the difficulty RER has been having this week. You are stacking on as well many MILES!!!!

So yeah, RER was down for two days as well as I had to make the executive decision to terminate all RER employees. Boo.
MY latest VIDEOS

Unorthodox book as well as Netflix evaluation
Review of the book & Netflix series – Unorthodox. A great listen – book, podcast as well as visual entertainment evaluation series.

More Videos

0 seconds of 7 minutes, 28 seconds

Next Up
Running tip stay healthy during the COVID19 Outbreak


Hopefully, it’s up as well as running now as well as this isn’t the 3rd publish in a row that is going to make me crazy!!!

If not I may pack it in as well as retire to Costa Rica…

So, I’m going to keep the Wednesday, Thursday as well as today’s comment section open with Monday 3pm PST so everybody gets a possibility to go into for every day. Please go to the appropriate day as well as go into your inspect in for that day:

Wednesday stack on the Miles

Thursday stack on the Miles

Friday – below.

Please leave a comment below with your POTM inspect in for Friday. You’ll be went into to win a pair of Mizuno Running shoes.



Sharing is caring!





चिठी पत्र


keep going with these:

stack on the Miles Run difficulty Planner

stack on the Miles Run difficulty Planner

Last call! stack on the Miles starts tomorrow! Are you in? right here are some free print-ables to assist you rock the challenge.

show Me Your shoes – stack on the MILES Day 2

show Me Your shoes – stack on the MILES Day 2

stack on the MILES Day 2 – Running Shoes! There’s a giveaway up now on Instagram @RunEatRepeat. inspect it available to ent

stack on the MILES 2021 – free Running Challenge

stack on the MILES 2021 – free Running Challenge

free Running difficulty 2021. stack on the Miles for Runners of ALL Levels. get the printable calendar as well as meal planner

Run report for may 6 to 12

Run report for may 6 to 12

Hello! exactly how was your running as well as eating this week? Here’s my round up of running, food, funny, random as well as updates from th

stack on the Miles Run bet difficulty 2018

stack on the Miles Run bet difficulty 2018

30 Day Run Challenge. stack on the Miles difficulty with Run Bet! Run 4 days a week for a miniumum of 30 minutes. join the

exactly how to set a Running goal for stack on the MILES Challenge

exactly how to set a Running goal for stack on the MILES Challenge

stack on the Miles difficulty goal worksheet. exactly how to set a running goal for the 21 day stack on the miles challenge. free p

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा


Sunday set Up cleaning Day

Hello! how is it going?

This morning I woke up bright and early (despite grand plans to sleep in). So I decided to do my usual ritual of walking to get an iced coffee. Except, I didn’t get the coffee but did get raspberries. हो।
मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू

Running tip stay healthy during the COVID19 Outbreak
Running tip to stay healthy during the Coronavirus outbreak. Can you run and walk outside during the stay at home order? Here’s a reminder to help you avoid touching your face …

अधिक भिडियोहरू

Travel Jane Review

022: 2: 25

I plan my life around running (and eating) so I did nothing except relax and sip some beverages after my long run Saturday.

Vegas is an expert at relaxin’ so he gave me some tips:

Eats included trying the new skinny girl granola bar – it was good, but nothing special for $1.29 hello.

It’s just like every other granola bar with a chocolate base I’ve tried. could slap Quaker or any other label on it and I wouldn’t know the difference.

Trail mix on this fancy Ikea ‘plate’

After my walk I made a big egg scramble quesadilla.

Then, I started to set up my week for success with a extensive cleaning session. I ‘save’ cleaning for rest days so I still feel like I’m being active and I don’t have to spend extra time on my feet after a run.

Since it was difficult to cram my clean clothes into my drawers I dumped them out and went through them. I tossed out anything that I was just so-so about.

And then I headed to my mom’s to bug her. But, there was a miscommunication and I’m here alone. Well, I’m never really alone… there’s always Jesus.

My mom had a substantial watermelon on her counter so I took the liberty of cutting it for her.

She’ll top it with Tajin, but I eat it straight up.

Time for Sunday set Up!

I don’t feel like cooking this week (again) I have to get it together with that.

Question: What did you do today? Did you clean too?

What’s on your exercise schedule? meal plan?

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


यी लिएर जान्छु:

I actually Broke My Foot & walking Boot Recs

I actually Broke My Foot & walking Boot Recs

broken Foot recommendations must haves. the best walking boot, fracture shoe, ice pack, supplements and tools to help yo

My dog must Haves for walking or running with your pup

My dog must Haves for walking or running with your pup

dog walking must Haves. You asked for my gear tips for Running with Your dog – here’s a list of my favorite leashes, col

My rest Day morning Routine

My rest Day morning Routine

My morning routine on a rest day from running. What I do, what I’m eating on a rest day and other BTS for no running day

Miles total and best of February 2021

Miles total and best of February 2021

how many miles did you run this month? @RunEatRepeat Instagram story template for runners. best Run and Eats for

वर्षा दौड, चल्दै र रेसिपीको सर्वश्रेष्ठ!

वर्षा दौड, चल्दै र रेसिपीको सर्वश्रेष्ठ!

how many miles I ran this year. the best races and running tips all in one post! कुल माइल गणना र क्यालो जाँच गर्नुहोस्म एक दिनमा के खान्छु – धावकहरूका लागि

म एक दिनमा के खान्छु – धावकहरूका लागि

म एक रनर द्वारा एक दिन भिडियो मा के खान्छु। सबै चीजको खाद्य डायरी मैले खाजा खाजा, खाजा, खाना र खाजा खाए। जोडेर

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा


Cheerios and Fitbit Instagram GIVEAWAY!

Cheerios and Fitbit GIVEAWAY on Instagram @RunEatRepeat February 2020 – much more info and details. *Enter on the applicable @RunEatRepeat Instagram post!*

Cheerios and Fitbit GIVEAWAY
#ad I love long walks, cereal and fun GIVEAWAYS! February is national Heart health Month and Cheerios & Fitbit are teaming up to inspire heart healthy choices.
मेरो सबैभन्दा हालको भिडियोहरू

4 minute lower Body workout for Runners
Five lower Body exercises for Runners! try this quick strength workout at home for your legs, hips and glutes. No equipment needed.

Glute Bridge
Donkey Kicks – alternate sides
Clamshells – alternate sides

Get much more info on

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 4 minutes, 49 seconds

How to do the lower Body workout for Runners A


Whole grain foods like @Cheerios are a terrific choice to include in a heart healthy diet. and using a @fitbit activity tracker is a terrific way to stay accountable and motivated!

Cheerios sent me a #FitbitInspireHR & Cheerios to help support one of my 2020 goals – a 20 minute daily walk after work.

It’s my go-to way of getting some fresh air and letting go of any anxiety from the day. It certainly makes my heart happy!

Now you can WIN one too!

GIVEAWAY: 5 Fitbit inspire hr trackers!!

Want to win one?

How to Enter:
1. follow @RunEatRepeat & like this post.
2. comment with: “What healthy choices are you making today?” and include #Sweepstakes in your comment.
3. [optional] For additional entries identify 1 friend. 1 identify = 1 entry!

Closes: 2.16.20 @ midnight PST.
Prize: Fitbit inspire hr (one per winner – 5 winners total).

Winners will be contacted by means of DM [2.17.20] and announced on IG stories. should claim prize within 7 days or alternate winner will be chosen. open to us residents 18 and over only.

By entering, you acknowledge that this is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with
Instagram, and you release Instagram of all responsibility. By entering you release Run eat Repeat and its associates of all responsibility.

This giveaway is in partnership with Cheerios and Fitbit. All opinions are that of the author.

Open to us residents 18 and over. chances of winning based on number entrants. winner will be announced by means of IG story and contacted by means of instagram DM 2.17.20 and should claim prize within 7 days or alternate winner will be chosen. Giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed, administered by or affiliated with Instagram. कुनै खरीद आवश्यक छैन।

Enter to WIN a Fitbit inspire hr here >>> @RunEatRepeat Instagram 

@RunEatRepeat Giveaway official RULES

Hosted by Run eat Repeat (‘host’). NO entry FEE. NO purchase OR obligation required TO PLAY OR WIN.

Promotion/Contest name (the “Sweepstakes”): @RunEatRepeat Cheerios Fitbit Giveaway. entry deadline is 2.16.19 midnight PST.

To enter: comment on @RunEatRepeat’s post for this contest between 2.12.20 at 12pm PST and 2.16.20  midnight PST (“Entry Period”). In the event of a dispute as to the identity of a winner, the winner will be deemed to be the person in whose name the email account governing the e-mail address was opened. Entrants should supply all information requested to be eligible to win. Incomplete, unreadable, or unintelligible entries will be disqualified. All entries should be received by 2.16.20 midnight PST. All information supplied by entrants becomes the property of host. Winners will be notified by Instagram message.

Eligibility: The Sweepstakes is open to legal residents of the U.S. age 18 or older, who agree to the terms and qualify to enter.Employees of associated companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising, promotion, and fulfillment agencies, their immediate family members and persons living in their same household, are not eligible to participate in the promotion/contest. participation in the promotion/contest constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these official policies & guidelines (“Official Rules”). void WHERE PROHIBITED.No mechanically reproduced mail-in entries are allowed and any use of robotic, automatic, programmed or the like entry methods will void all such entries by such methods. The prize to be awarded from the promotion/contest are as follows: one Fitbit inspire HR. One per winner for a total of five winners.

Prize Drawing: All entries meeting the requirements of these official policies will be entered into the prize drawing, to be held on or around 2 days after online deadline. The winners will be selected at random from among eligible entries received.

The odds of winning a prize depend on the total number of eligible entries received. Winners are solely responsible for any and all federal, state, provincial and local taxes that apply to prizes. No cash or other substitution of prizes is permitted, except at the sole option of host for a prize of equal or greater value. host will not replaceकुनै हराएको वा चोरी भएका पुरस्कारहरू।

विजेता सूचित: विजेता पुरस्कार ड्राइंगको पाँचवटा कम्पनी दिन भित्र इन्स्टाग्राम सन्देश द्वारा सूचित गरिने छ र सहजता र प्रचार / आयरिटीको सूचनामा हस्ताक्षर गर्न र फिर्ता गर्न आवश्यक पर्दछ। यदि चयनित विजेता सम्पर्क गर्न सकिदैन भने, पुरस्कार र / वा व्यावहारिकता / प्रचार अनुमोदन गर्न असफल भयो भने, अपूर्ण वा वैकल्पिक विजेता हुन सक्छ। बाँकी मान्य, योग्य प्रविष्टिहरू समयमै सबमिट गरियो। एक प्रविष्टि पेश गर्ने सम्बन्धित विवादको घटनामा प्रवेश प्रविष्टि गरिएको ईमेल खाताको अधिकृत खाता धारक द्वारा प्रविष्टि मानिनेछ। “अधिकृत खाता धारक” प्राकृतिक व्यक्तिको रूपमा परिभाषित गरिएको छ जुन इन्टरनेट पहुँच प्रदायक, अनलाइन सेवा प्रदायक, वा अन्य संगठन (ई.जी., व्यापार, शैक्षिक संस्था, आदि) को लागि जिम्मेवार छ। सबमिट गरिएको ई-मेल ठेगानासँग सम्बन्धित डोमेन। कुनै स्वचालित रूपमा उत्पन्न प्रविष्टिहरू स्वीकार गर्दैनन्।

गोपनीयता नीति: तपाइँ द्वारा बाहिर निकाल्न को कुनै पनि व्यक्तिगत जानकारी तिनीहरूको गोपनीयता नीति को अधीनमा हुनेछ। दोहोर्याउनुहोस् दोहोर्याउनुहोस्, भाँडामा नपर्नुहोस्, भाँडा, स्थानान्तरण वा अन्यथा कुनै पनि तेस्रो पक्षलाई खुलासा गरिएको एसपीओजेस्सरहरू बाहेक तपाईंको व्यक्तिगत डेटा खुलासा गर्नुहोस् जसको प्रयोग तपाईं अप्ट-आउट गर्न असफल भयो। थप रूपमा, प्रोमोट / प्रतिस्पर्धा प्रविष्ट गरेर तपाईंले बुझ्नुभयो कि दोहोर्याई रखर खानुहोस् तपाईंलाई थप व्यावसायिक मार्केटिंग ईमेलहरू पठाउन सकिन्छ।

सामान्य नियमहरू: प्रवेश गरेर, तपाईं यी आधिकारिक नियमहरूले बाँधमा सहमत हुनुहुन्छ। पदोन्नति / प्रतियोगिता चलाएर प्रयोग गरीन्छ (होस्ट ‘) जुन ढिलो, हराएको, वामपक्षीय, प्रतिक्रियाहरू, वा अन्य पत्राचार, या त – मेल वा हुलाक मेल वा अन्यथा, वा चोरी वा विनाश वा अनधिकृत पहुँच वा अनधिकृत पहुँच, फोन, विद्युत, सफ्टवेयर प्रोग्राम, सामूहिक दु: खीता, असफल दुलम्बक, विद्युत वा कठिनाई। प्रोमोटरी / प्रतिस्पर्धा वा स्वीकृति लगायतका अन्य दायित्वहरू, सहायक र सबै दायित्व सहित, करिब र सबै दायित्व सहितको आराधना र सबै दायित्वहरू होस्ट र सबै दायित्वहरू, विजेता जारी गरेर र विजेता द्वारा भाग लिएर , कुनै पनि पुरस्कारको सम्पत्ति वा सीमा बिना (I) को सीमा बिना (i) बिना कुनै सर्त बिना नै प्रोमोट / प्रतिस्पर्धा विरूद्धमा अवरुद्ध वा भ्रष्ट हुन सक्छ; (ii) कुनै चोटपटक, घाटा, वा क्षति (क्षतिपूर्ति, प्रत्यक्ष, पढाइ, परिणाम, परिणाम, वा पुरस्कार, वा पुरस्कार, वा सहभागिता को परिणाम को रूप मा दिगोमा; र (iii) कुनै पनि सामग्रीमा सम्बन्धित कुनै पनि सामग्रीमा सम्बन्धित कुनै पनि सामग्रीमा कुनै पनि मुद्रणक त्रुटिहरू। पदोन्नति / प्रतियोगिताको नातेदार सबै सन्दर्भमा होस्टको निर्णयहरू अन्तिम हुन्। होस्ट सही छ, आफ्नो एकमात्र विवेकमा, पूर्ण वा आंशिक वा अन्य कठिनाईहरूको आधारमा परिमार्जन / प्रतिस्पर्धामा वा यदि प्रोमोट / प्रतिस्पर्धाको निष्कर्षमा निलम्बन गर्न वा यदि प्रोमोट / प्रतिस्पर्धाको अवधिमा निलम्बन गर्न। प्रवेशद्वारलाई। आइस्टिस्टले कुनै विजेतालाई अयोग्य बनाउनको लागि आदर्श छ, होस्टले यसको एकमात्र विवेकमा उत्पन्न गरेको थियो। प्राप्त गरिएको पुरस्कारको मूल्यमा कुनै पनि आय कर भुक्तान गर्नको लागि विजेता जिम्मेवार छ। शून्य जहाँ प्रतिबन्धित वा कानून द्वारा प्रतिबन्धित। सबै संघीय, राज्य, प्रान्तीय र स्थानीय दिशानिर्देशहरू लागू हुन्छ।

अतिरिक्त सर्तहरू: कानूनले निषेध गरेको बाहेक कुनै पुरस्कार स्वीकार गरेर, विजेता जानकारी, विजयी सूचना र प्रबंधित उद्देश्यको लागि जिम्मेवार अतिरिक्त क्षतिपूर्ति बिना।

विजेताको सूची, आधिकारिक नियमहरू: पुरस्कार विजेताहरू वा यी आधिकारिक नीतिहरूको एक सूचीको लागि ईमेल सन्देश “विनटरको सूची” ईमेलको साथ ईमेल सन्देश पठाउँदछ।

एक फिटबिट जित्नको लागि ईन्टर यहाँ प्रेरणा 1>> @ruraterpeatt इन्स्टाग्राम

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको


चिठी पत्र



खाना खानाको लागि सोया कोरोज

सामान्य रूपमा म बिहानको खाजा खानाको रूपमा विश्वास गर्दछु, यद्यपि यो खानाको लागि हो। मलाई मन पर्छ कि त्यहाँ धेरै Chorizo ​​छ त्यसैले म अझै पनि जनावरहरूको सबैभन्दा मनमोहक भागहरू खानको लागि यस स्वादिष्ट भोज पाउन सक्दछु?

मैले यसमा केही अण्डाको साथ पकाए र छेउमा भुटेको ब्रोकोलीलाई पनि
मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू

म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण दिन 3
म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण दिन 3

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 सेकेन्डको seconds1 सेकेन्ड

म एक दिनमा खान्छु – रनर संस्करण
1: 26: 2: 26


म टोर्टिलाको टुक्राहरू च्यात्दै गरेको मेक्सिकन खाना खान मन पराउँछु र खानाको टुक्रा समात्दै। म सामान्य रूपमा माग गर्दै बेन ठीक समान विधि खाए ताकि म घरमा महसुस गर्छु।

बेनले मलाई केही वाइन जिउन दबाब दिए। वास्तवमा, यो एक साधारण प्रस्ताव थियो – यो एक महत्त्वपूर्ण अद्भुत मदिरा हो जुन हामीले यस सप्ताहन्तमा छनौट गरेका छौं।

मैले भर्खरको रोटीको एउटा टुक्रा पाएको थिएँ र मरुभूमिको लागि पग्लिएको चकलेट चिप्स कुनै फोटोहरू छैनन् किनकि केहि चीजहरू केवल फिल्ममा समात्नुहोस् फिल्ममा समात्नुहोस् …

म बाहिर गए साथ साथै बेक आहार योजना समाधान वयस्क नोबूबुक वजन नोटिसबुकबुक मैले सुनेका थिए यसको बारेमा मैले साँच्चिकै उत्कृष्ट कुराहरू पनि सुनेका छु किनकि म साँच्चिकै संज्ञानात्मक व्यवहार उपचारमा विश्वास गर्दछु (जुन पुस्तकमा आधारित छ)। किनकि म अब वास्तविक थेरापीको लागि भुक्तान गर्न सक्दिन जुन म यस जीवनमा विश्वास गर्छु। म यसको साथ एक बिट को लागी एक बिट को लागी पल्टियो को साथ को साथ को साथ एक धेरै जम्प गर्न धेरै उत्साहित छु!

यो एक हप्ताको योजना हो जुन प्रत्येक दिनको लागि कार्य गर्दछ। आज मैले दिन 1 को साथ साथै 2 गरें, किनकि तिनीहरू जे भए पनि मैले गरिरहेका चीजहरू थिए।

म काउन्डिलनहरू मन पराउँछु … आधा म्याराथन सम्म, days days दिनसम्म म यो पुस्तकको लागि सबै चरणहरू सम्म।

हराएको सम्म पाँच दिन माथि फिर्ता छ !!!

प्रश्न: कुन हराएको चरित्र तपाईको मनपर्ने छ?

मोनिका: म विश्वास गर्दछु कि भनाइ सुपर तातो छ र यो वर्की छ।

म विश्वास गर्दछु जुलियनको धेरै गरिब गधा हो र ह्युगो सबैभन्दा मनमोहक केटा हो।

डस्टम र प्रतिशतले मेरो मुटु पग्लन्छ।

मलाई आफू मर्नु भन्दा पहिले चर्ली मन पर्यो।

ठीक छ, म रोक्न आवश्यक छ।

तिमीलाई शुक्रबार भेट्छ?

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र



2010 Disney Marathon recap

I’m still alive, but not feeling great. let me start at the beginning though…

The day before the race we drove from the Sarasota area to Orlando for the expo. Ben’s brother Jon was our chauffeur ? We were all shocked at how cold it was! Jon didn’t even pack pants!
मेरो सबैभन्दा नयाँ भिडियोहरू

Covid 19 Antibody Test
I took the Covid19 Antibody Test. Here’s how it went and the results!

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 5 minutes, 19 seconds

Marathon training Day 3


The expo wasn’t incredible considering the size of the race.

Look at me smiling…little do I know what’s in store for in tomorrow…

Then, we went to the hotel where I met up with Meghann (who was also running) and Melissa (spectating). We went to dinner for some carb-loading at a little Italian place.

I started with a boring salad.

I purchased my own small pizza with broccoli, tomatoes and onions – they were a little low-cost with the toppings. I thought it was just nerves, but my stomach was hurting so I only ate three pieces of my pizza.

When we got back to the room Ben and Jon went to the films and I set out all my gear for the next morning. While packing everything I ate two cookies for extra carbs, but my stomach was still bothering me.

When I finally got in bed I could not sleep. I laid awake for hours until I got up to go to the restroom and realized my throat was killing me. I called Ben and told him to bring back throat spray and Dayquil. This was not the way I wanted this night to go.

When I asked Ben what ought to I do he said, “Just try to come out of this alive.” thanks Ben, thanks.

I finally got to sleep around 1am – just in time for 2 hours of sleep before my 3am wake up call! I hydrated, ate and took the Dayquil. I was very nervous about this because I kept second guessing myself – maybe I was just really nervous, maybe I wasn’t sick…but I didn’t want to take the chance by not taking medication and feeling very sick during the race.

I took the throat spray with me to use up to the start of the race too.

It was so freezing in Orlando I brought a hotel towel to cover my head and try to keep some heat in me. It didn’t work that well, but it was better than nothing.

I don’t have any pics of the race because Ben wasn’t able to catch me on the course. He was getting text updates (from Disney) of my location, but he had expected me to be going a bit slower and was one step behind me every point he stopped at. This is how I know I started out way too fast and screwed myself.

Remember my disposable running gear? Well I ended up cutting the sweatshirt up the front and the sweatpants down the sides. but – I wish I wouldn’t have! I was so cold and wanted to keep them on, but the pants were flying all over the place so I ditched them at the start! I kept the sweatshirt on the entire race and just let it flap in the wind. I kept trying to tie it closed, but my hands were so frozen I couldn’t feel my fingers enough to do it right!

I was really good about eating enough this race, but I was scared to drink too much because I wasn’t sweating much liquid out. I didn’t want to over-hydrate myself which can be very harmful (hyponatremia). So even though I was thirsty I was limiting my liquids. After the race I realized this was not required because my pee was darker than normal (I know you wanted to know that).

Around mile 8 I started thinking about the restroom. I didn’t have to go, but I felt like I had a bubble in my stomach (gas?). I am very scared of the dreaded “runner’s trots”. So I stopped a porta-potty to make sure I didn’t go in my pants. I was quick so it didn’t add too much time to the clock.

I did not look at my Garmin once until mile 19. It was under my clothes and I knew I wasn’t going to break any records, so I thought “No news is good news.” But, I ought to have realized I was pacing too fast.

At mile 18 I hit the wall hard. The plan was for Ben and Jon to see me at mile 19 and he had my sunglasses and Vaseline in case I needed it. I told myself I would just drop out of the race and go home with him. Yes, I really chose that in the middle of the marathon.

I felt sick and exhausted and hopeless. I wanted to quit.

Luckily, Ben didn’t catch me at mile 19 so I had to keep going. From that point on I was run-walking the rest of the race.

When I saw that at mile 20 I was behind to beat my pr I kinda gave up on trying to get a good time. Boo.

I finished in 4:27:41. But, that’s better than dropping out at 19, right?

Ben caught me best out of the chute and I feel like someone kicked my ass. For some reason my whole body felt jacked-up.

Ben and I after the race:

When we got back to the hotel room I ate my leftover pizza, a muffin and a few cookies. I was actually a little hungry, which doesn’t typically happen after a long run.

Then, I showered, laid down and let the sickness take over. I had been trying to fight it for a few days, but knew I was getting sick. finally म केवल बिरामी हुन सक्छु।

म कुनै पनि IBUPROFEN (मेरो विशिष्ट औषधि) लिन सकेन किनकि लामो रन पछि अगाडि वा तुरून्त बाहिर वा ठीक छ। र केहि कारणका लागि मैले डेमिलको बारेमा बिर्सें (जससँग एसिटामिनोपेन छ र लिन सुरक्षित छ भने)।

हामीले हाम्रो उडान लुक्नुपरेको अघि मार्न केही घण्टा हामीसँग थियो त्यसैले हामी चलचित्रहरूमा गयौं।

मैले बाँकी दिनको लागि अनियमित रूपमा खाएको छु। म भोकाएको थिएन, तर मेरो शरीरले खटाइयो त्यसैले मैले आफैलाई खाएँ। मैले कसरी रगतले कसरी हात मिलाएको थिएँ, तर यो बाहिर आएको थिएन।

एक राम्रो रातको आराम पछि म अझै बिक्री महसुस गर्छु र मेरो शरीर दुख्छ। मलाई लाग्छ कि यो धेरै म्याराथनबाट हो। म सामान्यतया एक राम्रो रातको आराम संग रोग बाट लड्न सक्छ, तर मरियमले मेरो शरीरलाई अलि बढी कर लगाए।

मैले भर्खर बुझिन कि किन मेरो पछाडि दुख्छन् – र म लगातार सम्झना गर्दछु जब म खोकी हुँ?

रेसको बारेमा मेरो विचारहरू: म पक्कै निराश छु कसरी मैले गरेको र मेरो समय। मलाई थाहा छ म त्यो भन्दा राम्रो गर्न सक्छु। मैले यस दौडमा गएर महसुस गरें कि मेरो टाउको खेलमा थिएन। तपाईं म्याराथननको लागि मानसिक रूपमा तयार हुनु पर्छ र म थिएन।

मैले वास्तवमै यसको लागि आफैंलाई “PS0SCHE” गर्न प्रयास गरें, तर केहि कारणले गर्दा मैले पर्याप्त चार्गल खन्न सकेन। म अन्तको तर्फ हिड्दै गरेको सट्टामा मैले चलाएको छु। तर, मैले यो जातिबाट धेरै कुरा सिकेको छु।

मेरो सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण दु: ख हो मैले अर्को रिडिम गर्न अर्को म्याराथन गर्नुपर्छ। धिक्कार छ। ठीक छ, एक धेरै अधिक – र त्यसपछि म आधा मा टाँसिरहेको छु। वास्तविक बी को लागी

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र



Fifteen Miles and Banana Pancakes

Hello! I set my alarm for an early 15 mile run. Ben and I had breakfast plans and I needed to be done before 9am. I typically set my alarm to “beat the heat” for summer long runs, but let myself sleep in during winter.

Well, today I was out the door before 6am. Armed with Nuun and Gu <- I always say “Nune of your business” when I’m mixing this… मेरो सबैभन्दा नयाँ भिडियोहरू चलिरहेको सुझाव Covid19 को समयमा स्वस्थ रहनुहोस् Running suggestion to stay healthy during the Coronavirus outbreak. Can you run and walk outside during the stay at home order? Here's a pointer to help you avoid touching your face ... अधिक भिडियोहरू 0 seconds of 2 minutes, 25 seconds अगाडि Marathon training Day 4 01:21 बाच्नु 00:00 08:21 022: 2: 25 Things I have in my car today – water bottle, sweat towel (to sit on), jump rope and a blueberry. Ooh, I’m feeling hungry good thing I brought a snack! It’s been a week because I purchased blubes and it’s just been riding around with me this whole time. good thing no one sat on it.  See, there’s a perk to not having friends! 15 Miles – done. It wasn’t the easiest run, I really wanted to cut it short around mile 11 but I kept chugging along even if it was slow. It’s pretty gloomy and drizzly, but I was still too hot in a long sleeve. I was very sweaty, but didn’t have time to shower so I changed out of my sports bras and t-shirt and headed straight to breakfast. I hate wearing a sweaty sports bra after I am done exercising and have to get it off before I do anything else (if I can’t shower immediately). We went to Mimi’s Café for breakfast. The last time Ben and I went here was after the Fontana half Marathon. Those were some epic Lemon Poppy Pancakes, but they’re seasonal and don’t have them now. I started with coffee that paled in comparison to Jen’s cappuccino. I purchased the fitness omelet to be healthy. And I purchased the seasonal Banana chocolate Chip Pancakes to be happy. Actually Ben and I shared these because I wanted to taste them, but wasn’t all about ordering this straight up. I’m lucky because he dominated them but I still got to satisfy the craving. My meal also came with wheat toast that I ate 1 piece of just because it was there. Shoulda asked them to hold it. If they bring it, I will eat it. And I had three cups of coffee – I am going to be buzzing all morning but it tasted so good with cream (I never have any at home). Our breakfast dates were Dan and Jen who live in new York. Dan and Ben went to college together. They are originally from Orange county and got married here in June, remember? A little wedding flashback because I love looking and beautiful girls in wedding dresses   Have a pleased Saturday! मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस् बचाउनु साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ! भाग ठूलो गाडीको आलपिन भाग चिठी पत्र भाग यी छनौट गरिरहनुहोस्: Irvine half Marathon Race Recap Irvine half Marathon Race Recap half Marathon Race recap and Review. Irvine half crazy half marathon running course and race review and suggestions for Treadmill shower Shark tank and Are Lunch Dates… dates? Treadmill shower Shark tank and Are Lunch Dates… dates? नमस्ते! How’s it going? just checking in with my favorite running and eating from this weekend! What are you up to? First Miles total and best of February 2021 Miles total and best of February 2021 how numerous miles did you run this month? @RunEatRepeat Instagram story design template for runners. best Run and को लागी खान्छ Revel म्याराथन - ठूलो भालु रेस परिणाम र रिक्याप Revel म्याराथन - ठूलो भालु रेस परिणाम र रिक्याप पुन: चलाउनुहोस् रेस श्रृंखला म्याराथन ठूलो भालु रेस रिपाट र शीर्ष 10 सूची। उत्तम माईल को सर्वश्रेष्ठ माईलहरू र मेरो साथ चालु Eravine ingvine आधा म्याराथन Eravine ingvine आधा म्याराथन Lexus ले बास इंवेइन आधा म्याराथन आधा मार। सुन्तला काउन्टी आधा, kk रन, रिज र रिक्याप। 201 2019 लेग गर्नुहोस् रेड डिस्क डिस्क Roce ह्याकहरू दौडिँदा पानी प्राप्त गर्न Roce ह्याकहरू दौडिँदा पानी प्राप्त गर्न यसलाई कसरी बोक्न बिना दौडँदा पानी प्राप्त गर्ने। Rs ह्याकहरू रनमा हाइड्रेसनको लागि ह्याकहरू जसमा गियर आवश्यक पर्दैन St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा ।